William Simmons


An adept leader who has developed and demonstrated superior skills in diverse and dynamic environments. Student of the Department of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Hawaii. I expect to graduate in Spring, 2023.

Interests: Graphics Programing, Web development, Cloud


College Cuisine Connection 2023-12-10

Software Engineering at its finest, as demonstrated by the ES6-enthusiasts.

Software engineering Team-Project Issue-Driven Development Agile Development

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Optimum Resolve and Corporate Compliance 2023-09-01

Initiated and Maintained Corporate Compliance, and Online Presence.

Corporate Filing Website Development Business Development Paperwork Corporate Compliance

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Manufacturing CRM using LAMP stack 2023-09-01

Developed A Lamp based web Application for a Manufacturing Firm.

Linux Apache Mysql Php

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Aviation Journey 2023-09-01

My ongoing journey navigating the Pacific skies.

Instrument Rating Hawaii Private Pilot Aviation

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ICS 414

10 May 2024

Introduction During the spring 2024 semester, in (ICS-414) Software engineering II. A class full of college students was split into several groups all to tackle the same problem for the same customer. For many of us it was our first...

Software Engineering Programming Interpersonal Skills ICS-414 Spring-2024

What it takes to be a great software engineer

12 Dec 2023

Thoughts on software engineering In most information science degree programs, a huge emphasis is necessarily placed on learning the ins and outs of various programming languages. However, This being said, being a good and efficient programmer does not necessarily make...

Software Engineering Programming Interpersonal Skills

Don't reinvent the wheel: A look into design patterns

30 Nov 2023

Try not to reinvent the wheel Computer science as a discipline relies fundamentally on layers of abstraction. The life work of thousands of software engineers, electrical engineers, chemists, and other professionals has gone into the construction and design of the...

Design Patterns Program Structure Engineering Concepts Programming

UI frameworks, and why they are useful

04 Oct 2023

Frameworks explained It is often said that to achieve big things it is important to stand on the shoulders of the Giants. It is hardly possible to get through a single computer science course without talking about layers of abstraction,...

Bootstrap Web Frameworks Programming

Its all in the way you ask!

06 Sep 2023

What makes a great question? I remember as a young man asking my uncle what he classified as and in his words “a rather Stupid question”. he quickly retorted with an example of what meets this qualification. He said, “Now...

Stackoverflow Question Quality

Coding Standard, why Lint is great for your code

21 Sep 2023

Standards, and The line between good And Legal What would it be like to live in a world without standards? Standards are the fundamental underpinnings of the entire society. Before the standardization of measurements, people would often use, and reference...

Coding Standards Javascript Programming

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